Enrolment Application

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​Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St Joachim’s.

St Joachim’s is an inclusive school where enrolment is open to Catholics and children from other faith traditions. Our enrolment capacity is determined by our physical resources and our ability to cater for the holistic education of each child.

At all times, the Principal has the right to approve or refuse enrolment if the criteria set by Brisbane Catholic Education cannot be satisfied.

Should it be necessary to limit the intake of Prep pupils to St. Joachim’s, then preference will be accorded in order of the following criteria, subject to the provision of a baptismal certificate:

  • Children who have siblings attending St Joachim’s Catholic Primary School 
  • Catholic children attending Mass at the Holland Park, Mt Gravatt Catholic Parish
  • Catholic children attending Mass in another Parish
  • Children of non-Catholics of the Parish who are practising their faith
  • Children of parents who support the philosophy of Catholic Education.

If necessary, an Enrolment Application Support Process (EASP) for students with disabilities will be conducted according to the Brisbane Catholic Education policy and guidelines.

If an application is accepted it is understood that parents comply with the spirit of the school Mission Statement, our Community Values and Relationships Guidelines and agree to pay such fees and mandatory levies as set by the local authority.

Application for Enrolment Online

Please find the link below to your child's online application for enrolment.

You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, and complete and submit the form.

If applying for enrolment for more than 1 student, when the form is completed an option will be available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.

Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.


A $25 application fee per application applies, payable when submitting an application/s for enrolment. Payment can be made via the following methods:

  • In person at the office
  • Via Credit Card over the phone
  • Direct credit using our bank details – BSB: 064-786; Acc #: 0065 86002; Name of Acc: St Joachim’s School; Ref: Family name.

To lodge an application for your child, please remember to send:

  • Fully completed Application for Enrolment form (see above)
  • Photocopy of Birth Certificate
  • Photocopy of Baptismal Certificate
  • Photocopy of most recent school report (if applicable).

After lodging an Enrolment Application, parents will be invited to attend an enrolment interview.  It is important that your child or children who are enrolling attend this interview.

Enrolment Statement

Children applying for Prep must be born within the specific dates as set down by the Government.​ 






Child born 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017


Yr 1

Yr 2

Yr 3

Child born 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018


Yr 1

Yr 2

Child born 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019


Yr 1

​Child born 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020​​​​​


  • Eligible children must turn 5 by 30 June in the year they start Prep
  • Interviews for Prep conducted by the Principal between March and mid-May
  • Offers for positions emailed out by late May. Confirmation of enrolment form sent with a request for payment of $150 to confirm enrolment. This payment is non-refundable
  • An orientation is conducted for the Prep pupils during term 4 at which time they will be supplied with booklists and uniform requirements
  • Other year-level enrolments happen across the year as well as an intake at the beginning of each new school year.  Upon enrolment booklists and uniform requirements will be supplied
  • A similar process occurs with interviews and offers of places if available.​​
    © Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joachim's School (2023)​